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Millionaire (rom - Nes)


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  Invité a dit :
Hello, you can help me ? :siffle::D :D

This ROM does not exist either in the GoodNES or the Famicom Disk System (at least, using this name "Millionnaire"). What's more, Google does not give me anything relevant for "Millionnaire nintendo".

However, this game can be found on Amstrad CPC (quite an old game, though).

Modifié par Ti Dragon
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You can find the CPC game on Planetemu:

But this game seems to be french so I'm not sure it's the game you're looking for...

For the NES game, I don't know, perhaps it wasn't yet dumped?

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  Invité a dit :
This game, Millionaire, from CPC Computer.

I test this game but is not game i1m search

This is a game of race, not monopoly.



Aaaaah ! So, you're looking for "Monopoly" ?

It can be found here :

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  Elgaern a dit :
Contresens complet Ti Dragon, il ne veut pas de Monopoly (il dit qu'il cherche un jeu de bagnoles et non pas un Monopoly comme est le jeu Millionnaire sur CPC)

Mouarf :D

"This game" = le jeu dont je viens de parler = Millionnaire sur CPC.

"That game" = le jeu dont j'ai parlé avant = Millionnaire sur NES.

Bref :P

Ceci dit, cela m'a permis de découvrir un "Millionnaire" par Ere Informatique et un "Millionnaire" par Incentive, tous deux sur Amstrad CPC :D est le seul screen que j'ai trouvé et, malheureusement, c'est un screen de boîte :D

Modifié par Ti Dragon
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  Kékidi a dit :
C'est un jeu Sachen donc c'est une cartouche pirate, c'est un jeu qui n'est pas sous liscence Nintendo. Et comme beaucoup de jeux pirates Sachen, il n'a sûrement pas été dumpé.

Surtout que ça ne m'a pas l'air d'être un jeu de course :P

Ceci dit, merci pour l'info... Quelle érudition :D

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  The Jedi a dit :
Sorry but I can't find anything on the game "Millionaire" (or even Millionnaire) on eBay or else. So i'm not sure the game exists.

The Jedi : it could be found on e-bay around March : Google Backup. It can be found by entering "Millionaire nes sachen" in the Google search engine. Look at the 3rd page of results. It seems someone could sell this game (but his shop has been closed...).

Looking throughout the net, the Sachen games seem rare (Kékidi told us they were unofficial / unlicensed games).

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  The Jedi a dit :
Yes i found a page talking about it but it seems to be very rare yes ...

Ben alors, The Jedi, on ne lit pas tout ?



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  clebers a dit :
this rom is impossible ? :/


thanks friends :(

Please, add the dump of Millionaire cartrige in the


:):D :D

If we can meet a veeeeeeeeery nice collectionner who would be kind enough to lend us his own cartridge, it might be possible... However, I doubt we'll quickly find such a person...

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  clebers a dit :
I go to look this cartridge here in Brazil and if I to find I go to buy.

I could order this for you in France? I would make a donation so that he was possible to have a ROM of this game. :)

Well, if you can do that, I guess this will be very appreciated. Any NES game is welcome here.

Good luck in your "quest" :D

(I guess this thread should be moved to the ENES section :()

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Moved, the topic was not really concerning ENES at the beginning.

However, if you could find the game (i let an alert on eBay), we would really interested by dumping it. While we are still repairing our dumpers, i think they will be fixed before we find it (I hope so much).

The game was unlicensed so I understand why it's a bit particular.

This game can also be found on the compilation Sachen 6 in 1

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There are several undumped games developed by "Thin Chen Enterprises" aka "Sachen" or "Joy Van". Always the same company.

There is a general misunderstanding of the term "unlicensed" game. I were confused by this too and made the mistake to mix them up with pirates not long ago. But in a discussion I realized I did a mistake here. Explanation:

Unlicensed game:

Usually a company that wants to develop for a specific system buys a license. But this license is not paid for the right to develop and release games for the system as I was told. It is for the right to use the cart/media-technology (in this case NES-cartridges) of the system. If you don't pay the license you have to produce your own cart-technology and use this. This is NOT illegal. All games by companies like Camerica, Codemasters, HES, Wisdom Tree, Sachen and so on are therefore legal games like any other. You could buy them in shops like all other games too. They are unique pieces of software developed from scratch and the only difference between a licensed game and an unlicensed one is the shape of the cart/style of the box etc. Unl games are listed everywhere on gamefaqs, digitpress etc. because they are absolutely normal games. The only reason finding infos about the Sachen games is hard is the fact they are taiwanese developers and we don't have good access to games from there.


Pirates are illegal software. The definition of a pirate is a game that breaks the copyright law. They usually rip code or graphics from other games. There is a different sort of pirates that usually are refered to as "pirate originals". These are games that are build from scratch without using data from other games. But they are based on a license the developer does not own. Like Disney licenses/characters/names. Games like Super Lion King 3, Donkey Kong 99, Harry Potter X would fit into this category or illegal game-conversions.

All cheat-devices (AR, Codebreaker) are unlicensed btw. - but they are sold everywhere. It's the same.

Millionaire is therefore a legal game like any other. Just not so well-known.

Modifié par BigFred
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