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[fr]Ghostbusters 2 et Operation Wolf dumpés

The Jedi

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ENES a le plaisir de vous annoncer que nous avons réussi à dumper 2 nouveaux jeux :

- Ghostbusters 2 (E)

- Operation Wolf (E)

Si Ghostbusters n'était qu'une confirmation de la maîtrise du MMC1 révision B2, ce fût une autre paire de manches pour Operation Wolf placé sous le signe de la révision B3. Plus qu'un simple numéro, le timer fonctionnait de manière différente par rapport au MMC1 B2.

Maniac Mansion (F) étant également une cartouche de type MMC1 B3, nous avons tenté de le redumper mais sans succès. On se demande si la cartouche n'aurait pas un problème. Nous essaierons dès que possible un dump de la version allemande pour infirmer ou confirmer cette hypothèse.

D'ici là, on se fera les dents sur le MMC3C car nous possédons 2 jeux non dumpés de ce type.

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Yep but jeandubois cleaned the copper contacts (as we did for previous games in order to maximize the quality of dumps) so I'm a bit surprised. Maybe the game battery is dead so the game won't start.

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Yep but jeandubois cleaned the copper contacts (as we did for previous games in order to maximize the quality of dumps) so I'm a bit surprised. Maybe the game battery is dead so the game won't start.

When the battery is dead, the game still runs smoothly, except that saves are not kept when you turn off the console... I had this problem with my Zelda cartridge when it was first released...

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Strange case. Does my cart work at least? I did not test it before shipping. :)

Good question : we tested it with the french cart last year but not since this time. I'll check it tomorrow (I don't go back home today).

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I hope the dumping-attemp did not destroy the french cart if such a thing can happen (I don't assume this but I'm not familiar with this)

This is very unlikely.

I can only read the cartridge, and only the voltage can make damage.

But, the cartridge is really tolerant, and spaghetto has two protection's system.

Normaly, the cartridge work with 5 volt but it safely accept up to 12 volt without problem (wahou).

Spaghetto uses the 78ls05 componant to regulate the voltage.

I input 9 Volt in 78ls05 and it output 5 volt.

And after this component, I have a diode.

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