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La reponse a ma solution etait que je n'utilisais pas la bonne version de winzip

j'etais rester avec la 8.0 imperatif apparament de passer en 8.1

donc decompression multi archives nickel

chez moi ça marche nickel et en + j'ai reduit le poids des chd's avec smallchd

voila :siffle:


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Invité iglehartj

[ quote name=' Kékidi' date=' Tuesday November 30, 2004 to 11:33 ' post=' 58818 ' ] They is plays result from the Cps-3 terminals which unfortunately is not still emulated. The plays are quite present in the list of MAME, but they are unplayable. You can all the same find the rom and CHD on [ url=][/url ]. [/quote ]

Hello! Whats up everybody! Listen I totally believe that I'm in the write spot to discuss this, but I sure am looking for a solid CHD file to make street fighter 3 2nd impact, work for mame.104 can any one help?

I do believe it can play but, I think that I read that it is "choppy" when it manifests itself on the computer screen, but thats o.k. I still would like to see the result!

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As far as I know, there's no more website with the Mame CHDs in direct download (the great roms websites quoted above in this topic have been shut down for a while) but some others propose Bittorrents links to get them so you should search on this way

But one thing is sure: you would never make work the CPS3 games on the current Mame version... The Mame team have said that the CPS3 emulation haven't still started and they just put the games in the Mame list even if they're not emulated at 0,001%...

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  • 11 mois après...

ok merci alor, sina j orai bien voulu savoir, meme si ya des tutoriales pour sa, les jeux comme street fighter EX (1 et 2) rival school sont super mal emulé jregle au niveau des sont et des image mais c la meme, quesque jpourrai faire pour avoir 1 meilleur resultat ?

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